Registration form

Here you can register by entering your data and preferences.
Please note that this is a limited capacity event. To secure your space, register at your earliest convenience. If you encounter any problems or have any questions, contact us at
The registration is free of charge.

  • Please kindly note that this is a fully in-person event. There will be no virtual element to this event, so please only register if you are able to physically participate in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • Please kindly note that we do not offer visa support for participating to the event.

- mandatory fields

Contact details


Are you a ?

Attendance in the past

Have you attended a past EURESFO?


Please provide a short motivation on why you would like to attend and how it will contribute to your work.

Stay in touch with ICLEI

Agreement to the use of audio-visual material:

I agree to allow the organisers of the European Urban Resilience Forum, taking place in Rotterdam on 25-27 June 2025, to use my image and audio that may be captured at the venue. I also allow them to publish, distribute and reproduce this material royalty-free, in all forms and in all media. This includes, but is not limited to, digital distribution on the websites of the organisers, and via the organisers' social media channels, as well as distribution in event-related publications.
I agree for my registration data to be shared amongst the EURESFO Organising Committee and approached by them if specific opportunities arise that match my profile