Masterclass on Urban Heat: from Analysis to Action
14. September 14:00 - 15:30

As the climate crisis unfolds, cities become exposed to more frequent and extreme heatwaves. The urban heat island effect combined with the increased density of vulnerable populations contribute to increasing heat risk in cities. To respond to the challenge, the EU-funded program REACHOUT is working to advance heat-related climate services for urban environments.
The “Masterclass on Urban Heat: From Analysis to Action” is an opportunity to present scientific developments in the field, as well as showcase how cities innovate to address the challenge. The Masterclass aims to engage the wider community of knowledge experts and city representatives to discuss on heat risk analysis, heat-related policies and governance, as well as solution interventions.
The Masterclass targets city officials and practitioners working on reducing health and socio-economic impacts of extreme heat in cities and regions.

Landscape Architect
Elissavet Bargianni, Landscape Architect
Elissavet Bargianni is a Landscape Architect, trained both in Greece and in the UK (MLA). She has been working for a London-based landscape practice before moving on to the public sector in Athens in 2003, working for the National Garden. Scientific associate and editor of the Greek Academy awarded book about the National Garden (2016) and the Garden’s Management Plan. Elissavet initiated feasibility and landscape studies of various public spaces of Athens, introduced methodology for new tree avenues, initiated GIS mapping and tree inventory for the National Garden and the city while at the Design Department of the Municipality’s Urban Nature Directorate. Since 2018, she works for the Resilience and Sustainability Department. She is the Coordinator of the Athens Climate Adaptation Working Group and a representative of the C40 CoolCities Network while actively collaborating with several climate networks and institutions. She participates in EU and other technical and financing programmes on climate adaptation and urban resilience. She is currently involved in the update of the Athens Climate Action Plan and the EIB Natural Capital Financing Facility (NCFF) programme for 4 high-impact green & blue infrastructure city projects.

Climate Change Adaptation Manager, TECNALIA Research and Innovation
Efrén Feliu, Climate Change Adaptation Manager, TECNALIA Research and Innovation
Holds a Building Engineering Degree as well as different postgraduates including spatial planning and territorial development. Has a relevant professional background in consultancy and capacity development for public administrations and utilities. Worked in Central America for over 4 years and is involved in international and European initiatives for more than 20 years. He is currently Climate Change Manager at the City Territory and Environment Area of Tecnalia, coordinating applied research projects for the development of Decision Support Systems in the fields of sustainable spatial development, nature-based solutions, regional-urban resilience and sectoral climate change adaptation. Has a long trajectory using climate projections data in climate proofing analysis. Is actively involved in standardisation activities, having participated in ISO Working Groups related to Climate Adaptation Framework (ISO 14090 and 14092) as well as Climate and risks Analysis (ISO 14091), being currently appointed as national expert in CEN TC465 and TC467, CEN-CENELEC SF-SCC TG on Nature Based Solutions, as well as ISO/TC 207/SC 7.

Expert advisor climate change adaptation, Deltares
Ad Jeuken, Expert advisor climate change adaptation, Deltares
Ad Jeuken is a climate change adaptation expert at Deltares since 2008 holding a PhD in climate modelling (KNMI and technical university Eindhoven) and a professional background in water management. Now 14 years with Deltares he has developed as an international expert on climate change adaptation and has worked for international organizations like the European commission, Asian Development Bank, World Bank, FAO and UNFCCC and for governments worldwide on climate change risk analysis, adaptation planning, training and capacity building. He is an author of the Climate Risk Informed Decision Analysis (CRIDA) guide for water resources management as well as many other publications in the field of water, DRR and climate. He is currently coordinating the REACHOUT research and innovation project under the EU Green deal in which user-oriented climate services are developed with and for cities to progress from climate risk analysis to climate resilient urban development.
Researcher & Project Manager, alchemia-nova GmbH
Maria Wirth, Researcher & Project Manager, alchemia-nova GmbH
Maria Wirth is a researcher and project manager at alchemia-nova GmbH. She specializes in projects to promote nature-based solutions for climate change adaptation as well as water and nutrient cycles, advising cities and regions as well as through R&I projects. She currently leads a work package in the EU-funded MULTISOURCE ( project, which develops business models for long-term financing of NBS for urban water treatment. Previously, Maria worked on the sustainable development and climate change adaptation of agrifood value chains globally, for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).
Project Manager REACHOUT, City of Milan
Simone Nardicchia, Project Manager REACHOUT, City of Milan
City Resilience Manager, Greater London Authority
Kristen Guida, City Resilience Manager, Greater London Authority
Research Director, National Observatory of Athens
Iphigenia Keramitsoglou, Research Director, National Observatory of Athens

Global Chief Heat Officer, Arsht Rock Resilience Center
Eleni Myrivili, Global Chief Heat Officer, Arsht Rock Resilience Center
Eleni Myrivili wants cities to prepare for extreme heat by developing and adopting climate adaptation and mitigation strategies. For her, this work starts in her home city of Athens, where she was appointed Europe’s first Chief Heat Officer in 2021. She's been using the position to raise awareness of the dangers of extreme heat and co-create and co-design a greener, cooler future for all.
In June 2022, through her role as a senior advisor at Arsht Rock Resilience Center and following an MoU Arsht Rock signed with the UN-Habitat, she was named the first-ever Global Chief Heat Officer to work in promoting a heat resilience agenda at UN-Habitat, the United Nations' program for human settlements and sustainable urban development.
Myrivili has advocated for an environmental, nature-positive, and climate-neutral agenda for more than two decades. A tenured assistant professor at the University of the Aegean, she was elected and has served as Deputy Mayor for the City of Athens where she designed the "Athens Resilience Strategy for 2030” with the collaboration of hundreds of Athens residents.

Lead for Programs, Climate Resilience, Global Resilient Cities Network
Leon Kapetas, Lead for Programs, Climate Resilience, Global Resilient Cities Network
A hydrologist by training, Leon is a Senior Climate Resilience Specialist leading the implementation of programs for the Resilience Cities Network. He has a strong interest on Nature-based Solutions as a vehicle for adapting to climate change, protecting natural capital, and meeting development objectives.
Leon has experience in research and consulting environments across high- and low-income countries. He has worked as consultant for the World Bank on the development of ‘climate resilience toolkits for PPPs’ and has developed climate risk assessments for African cities. His work in South America focused on water resources development in Andean catchments. Leon also worked as expert for the Urban Innovative Actions (ERDF) to support Amsterdam’s program of smart Blue-Green roofs. As Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, Leon developed NBS assessment methods in the context of adaptation planning. Over the years, he has engaged in numerous capacity building schemes on climate resilience & NBS mainstreaming.