How is your city adapting? An open conversation on implementing and accelerating climate adaptation!
14. September 14:00 - 15:30

How far do we stand in implementing climate adaptation strategies in cities? What are the main issues that are holding us back, and what good examples can we share of how to overcome them? The upcoming EEA Urban Adaptation Report 2024 aims at showcasing “what works”, providing a practical guide for city administrations to learn from each other and push forward in implementing their own climate adaptation strategies. This session is an opportunity for cities to have this conversation. It will also be used to help shape the content of the report.

Co-founder of commonspace and coordinator of 'participatory LAB', commonspace coop
Eleni Mougiakou, Co-founder of commonspace and coordinator of 'participatory LAB', commonspace coop
Eleni Mougiakou is an Agricultural Engineer with a Diploma from Agricultural University of Athens, and a Master's Degree in Geoinformatics (NTUA). She is currently a PhD researcher in the subject of Landscape Planning. Her research focuses on Urban Green-Areas’ Strategic Planning, and the assessment of vulnerability of Mediterranean Cities to UHI effect and Climate Change.
She is working in the area of Urban Green-Space Planning, GIS and participatory planning for many years. She has a particular interest in Climate Change Adaptation of urban green-spaces and the built environment. She had the opportunity to implement her knowledge in complicated, ‘real-life’ projects, including EU strategies and linked funding opportunities.
She develops methodologies, methods, and digital tools (ppWebGIS) of participatory planning and design for the last ten years. She is a founding member of COMMONSPACE coop {}, a leading organization on the issues of participatory planning and design of public space. She is leading the initiative “Participatory Lab for Climate Change adaptation” {}.
Urban Development Director, City of Linz
Hans-Martin Neumann, Urban Development Director, City of Linz

Chief Resilience Officer, City of Rotterdam
Arnoud Molenaar, Chief Resilience Officer, City of Rotterdam
After graduating in Physical Geography, Arnoud started his career with ambitious trainee posts and jobs abroad. As deputy head of the Rotterdam Water Management Department, he was responsible for the Waterplan2Rotterdam. In 2008, he was appointed Manager of the Rotterdam Climate Proof program. Arnoud is first editor of the book “Resilient Cities and Climate Adaptation Strategies” (2014). He was responsible for Rotterdam’s first Resilience Strategy (2016) and joined the Global Center on Adaptation as lead Cities (2018). In 2019 he hosted the Global Urban Resilience Summit in Rotterdam and joined the Global Steering Committee at the Resilient Cities Network. Recently (2022) he coordinated the development of the ‘Resilient Rotterdam Strategy 2022-2027’.
Researcher nature-based adaptation, Wageningen University & Research
Rens de Boer, Researcher nature-based adaptation, Wageningen University & Research
Rens de Boer is researcher urban nature-based adaptation at Wageningen Environmental Research. He works on mainstreaming biophilic design and nature-based solutions in urban settings. His goals are strengthening the evidence base behind urban NbS and facilitating stakeholders to implement urban greening, bridging the gap from policy to practice.

Expert - Urban Climate Adaptation, European Environment Agency
Ine Vandecasteele, Expert - Urban Climate Adaptation, European EnviroNment Agency
Ine is an expert in Urban Climate Adaptation at the European Environment Agency. She is responsible for the Agency’s Urban Adaptation Report, published every 4 years, which aims at supporting and inspiring the much-needed process of adaptation to climate change at the local level. Ine has a background in both environmental and political sciences, and has 12 years of experience in providing scientific evidence for policymaking in the fields of water management, energy, climate impacts and urban sustainability.

EU Policy Coordinator, Climate Alliance
Max Beijneveld, EU Policy Coordinator, Climate Alliance
Max Beijneveld is an experienced sustainable cities consultant supporting businesses and governmental organizations with their climate mitigation, adaptation and innovation efforts.