What kind of tools and practices do city and regional administrations need to make urban resilience a reality?
27 June 14:00 - 15:45
Location: Sala Lucrecia Bori

Your city has to decarbonize as soon as possible, and you’re the one who’s supposed to take care of it? If only there was a tool to support you in co-developing a comprehensive strategy!
In this highly interactive workshop, we will tackle the specific challenges of small and mid-sized cities and regions in setting up climate action plans: How to develop ambitious Sustainable Energy & Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) with few resources? How to better integrate mitigation and adaptation and account for the social impact of chosen measures? How to link them to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? How to successfully engage with your citizens so they become your ally and agents of change? And how to navigate between different governance levels, departments, and stakeholder groups and ensure a collaborative environment in city and regional administrations?
Together with the participants and invited speakers, from different administrative contexts, we will first share, collect, and discuss their experiences, thoughts, and ideas to these questions. Then, we will build on this discussion by showcasing and asking for everyone’s feedback on a tool in the making: the LOCALISED Climate Action Strategiser. How can such a tool contribute to dealing with the previously discussed challenges? What needs to be added or adjusted? And what other factors are relevant to make the tool implementation successful and boost local and regional climate planning?
Your feedback is explicitly wanted and will help to make this tool as useful as possible for cities and regions across Europe.
This workshop is part of the Multilevel governance, cooperation and just transition: resilience leaves no one behind stream.
Climate Change officer, District Office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg (Germany)
Fabian Reitemeyer, Climate Change officer, District Office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
After studying geoecology, Mr. Reitemeyer worked for a year at the environmental and Nature conservation Office, Climate Protection Department in Charlottenburg - Wilmersdorf, where he drew up the first district greenhouse gas balance in Berlin and actively worked in municipal Climate mitigation activities. He then worked for four years as a scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research. There he combined His municipal expertise with international climate research. His focus was on the quantitative analysis of the effectiveness of various climate measures and the developement of climate-neutral scenarios. Since 2023, he has been climate change officer in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg district and wants to use innovative approaches to make the district more climate friendly.

Director of the TPO (in charge of SDGs and NZC Mission), Barcelona City Council (Spain)
Ramon Canal Oliveras, Director of the TPO, Barcelona City Council
Ramon Canal Oliveras holds a PhD in Political Science from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He has been research coordinator at the Institute of Government and Public Policies of the UAB and public manager and adviser to the City Council of Manresa. He has also worked as a consultant in national and international projects and has taught local government and public management as an associate professor. He currently works for Barcelona City Council, promoting the city's 2030 Agenda and the European mission 100 climate-neutral and smart and cities.

Head of Climate change and air quality Office, Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Spain)
Elena Lacort, Head of Climate change and air quality Office, Barcelona Metropolitan Area
Elena Lacort has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Barcelona and has a Master's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. She works in Barcelona Metropolitan Area (BMA) since 2008. She has always worked in environmental issues and specially those related to climate change and climate emergency. She is responsible of the Climate change and air quality Office in BMA, coordinating studies and projects on climate mitigation, adaptation and vulnerability.
Facilitated by:

Project Developer & Researcher, Climate Media Factory
Tobias Gralke, Project Developer & Researcher, Climate Media Factory
Tobias joined the Climate Media Factory in January 2023 with more than ten years of professional experience in the cultural sector, in political education & communication, and in academia and with a multidisciplinary background in language, philosophy, performance, media, human rights, psychology, and urban studies. Tobias has worked for and with a wide range of organizations such as NGOs, cultural institutions, think tanks, universities, schools, and self-organized groups – as a trainer & facilitator, a theatre-maker, writer & speaker, a research fellow & lecturer, and a communication strategist. In the LOCALISED project, Tobias interacts with different stakeholders across Europe and makes sure to include the diverse needs of all relevant actors in designing a climate planning tool for cities and regions. Beyond that, he’s involved in various CMF projects, bringing his conceptual, creative, and communicative skills to the table. Driven by the belief in collective action and motivated by the possibility of socio-technical alternatives, Tobias is interested in big, transformative levers towards decarbonized societies and a ‘good life for all’.

Scientific Manager, Austrian Society for Environment and Technology
Maxie Riemenschneider, Scientific Manager, Austrian Society for Environment and Technology
Maxie Riemenschneider, MSc studied Psychology at Free University of Berlin, Universidad Complutense de Madrid & University College Dublin. She works for the Austrian Society for Environment and Technology (ÖGUT) as a research associate in the field of citizen engagement & participation since April 2021. Her main areas of work are process design & moderation (e.g. for the Austrian Climate Council of Citizens), applied research in the field of participation (e.g. in the EU project “Localized” with a focus on the co-creation of climate policy measures and strategies, together with affected and vulnerable citizens) & content creation for the main Austrian participation website www.partizipation.at. Before working for ÖGUT, she worked in the filed of international youth participation, intercultural mediation & as an environmental psychology consultant. Maxie is trained in various moderation techniques. In her private life, she is involved in the field of participatory living & cohousing.