Climate services towards better informed policies and decisions for climate-resilient development

27 June 11:15 - 13:00

Location: Sala Martín y Soler

Cities are showing high-levels of interest in climate services but these solutions have yet to become mainstream in policy- and decision-making. This workshop will present state-of-the-art services available and explore how they can be used in across risk analysis, ambition setting and project implementation. To this end, a selection of toolkits from European Commission R&I projects will be showcased with an emphasis on heat, floods and NBS. Cities will share their on-going activities and processes to adopt climate services with a particular focus on addressing their place-based vulnerabilities. Participants and organisers will discuss what capacities, resources, governance arrangements need to be in place in cities to actually make the most of climate services.

This workshop is part of the Water resilience and the Blue Economy in and beyond the Mediterranean region stream.


Simone Nardicchia

City of Milan

Simone Nardicchia, City of Milan


Denise McCullagh

University College Cork

Denise McCullagh, University College Cork
Hasse Goosen


Hasse Goosen, CAS


Leon Kapetas

Lead for Climate Resilience, Resilient Cities Network (Netherlands)

Leon Kapetas, Lead for Programs, Climate Resilience, Global Resilient Cities Network


A hydrologist by training, Leon is Lead of Climate Resilience for the Global Resilience Cities Network. Leon works closely with cities to support them in understanding climate risks and developing capacity towards planning and implementing resilience-building measures. He is particularly interested in Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as a vehicle for adapting to climate change and meeting sustainable urban development objectives.
Leon has experience in research and consulting environments across high-, middle- and low-income countries. He has previously worked as consultant for the World Bank to develop climate risk assessments in the sub-Saharan Africa context. He also worked in South America on water resources development in Andean catchments. Leon has worked as an expert for the European Commission to support Blue-Green infrastructure programs. As Research Associate at the University of Cambridge, Leon developed NbS appraisal schemes in the context of adaptation planning.

Efrén Feliu Torres

Climate Change Adaptation Manager, TECNALIA

Efrén Feliu Torres, Climate Change Adaptation Manager, TECNALIA
Saioa Zorita Castresana

Senior Researcher, TECNALIA

Saioa Zorita Castresana, Senior Researcher, TECNALIA