Stepping up integrated action on ecosystem and climate resilience
19 October 14:00 - 15:30
The EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework and the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration all highlight the pivotal role of local and sub-national governments in achieving European and global climate and biodiversity targets. The EU Biodiversity Strategy’s call on cities with over 20,000 inhabitants to develop Urban Greening Plans by the end of 2021 and the forthcoming legally binding nature restoration targets, which also include urban nature targets, echo the need for cities and regions to step up timely and cross-cutting actions to tackle the interlinked climate and biodiversity crises.
Nature-based solutions are a promising vehicle for ecosystem restoration and for strengthening resilience to climate change impacts. Yet, to achieve the desired impacts, coordinated action and planning across scales and sectors are required. They require a system-based design as part of a wider, strategically planned and managed network of green and blue areas, as well as the urban technical and social infrastructure. Also, collaboration across sectors (such as green space planning, water management, public utilities, land managers, etc.), private and public actors is imperative for large-scale implementation to be sustainable.
This session will focus on urban and regional approaches of successfully embedding biodiversity and climate action in policy and practice. It will shed light on cross-sectoral approaches towards nature-positive planning, challenges and solutions, to chart out ways to systematically integrate nature into planning.

Senior Environmental Strategist, City of Malmö
Per-Arne Nilsson, Senior Environmental Strategist, City of MalmÖ
Per-Arne Nilsson is a Senior Strategist with long experience of local work in Malmö and international cooperation for Sustainable development.

Senior Adviser in the City Council of Lisboa
Fernando Louro Alves, Senior Adviser in the City Council of Lisboa
Senior Adviser in the City Council of Lisbon and Coordinator of the Local Action Plan for Biodiversity in Lisbon 2020 (prolonged to 2022). Before that he was Head of Division of Projects in Environment and Green Spaces and Responsible of the Sector of Isolated Trees in Lisbon. He has a background in forestry engineering and landscape architecture, and holds a master in Urban and Regional Planning. Fernando is the focal point of the LIFE Preliminary Project: Urban Greening Plans and collaborator of the LIFE Project: Life Lungs which promotes the development of a blue-green, resilient and biodiverse city. He is also President of the Portuguese Society for the Promotion of Environmental Education and Ecotourism.

Public-Private Partnerships Practice Lead, NOW Partners
Monica Altamirano, Public-Private Partnerships Practice Lead, NOW Partners
Public-Private Partnerships Specialist and systems thinker. Climate and water finance thought leader. With 18 years of global experience in PPPs, she is a multidisciplinary leader who has advised governments worldwide on how to catalyse private sector investments in infrastructure, water, and climate adaptation. Her work aims at making the transition to a regenerative economy financially feasible for developing countries. She is Chair of the Water and Natural Infrastructure Chapter of WAPPP, member of the WEF Infrastructure 4.0 Initiative, and the OECD Roundtable on Financing Water.

Representative of International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe (IFLA Europe)
Johan Folkesson, Representative of International Federation of Landscape Architects Europe (IFLA Europe)
Johan Folkesson is the head architect of the Swedish Transport Administration -responsible for planning, building and maintenance of all state owned roads and railroads but also the long-term planning of sea and air transport in Sweden. Educated as a landscape architect, Johan is also the president of the landscape architecture chapter of Swedish Architects, representing Sweden in the International Federation of Landscape Architects.

Senior advisor coasts and estuaries, Executive Agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat
Jurre de Vries, Senior advisor coasts and estuaries, Executive Agency of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management, Rijkswaterstaat
Jurre has a background in Earth Sciences/Physical Geography and has done a PhD in physical oceanography at the NIOZ. Afterwards he worked 5 years for Van Oord as environmental engineer, where he was also the lead for EcoShape’s Building with Nature guidelines development project and co-lead of the Systems chapter in the international Natural and Nature-Based Feature handbook. At Rijkswaterstaat, Jurre works on system knowledge development in the Dutch Wadden Sea, linking new knowledge to existing management & maintenance questions. He is also involved in a new research initiative to upscale and mainstream NBS in coastal systems.

Senior Project Officer, Nature-Based Solutions and Biodiversity, ICLEI Europe
Bettina Wilk, senior project officer, nature-based solutions and biodiversity, ICLEI Europe
Bettina Wilk is a senior project officer for nature-based solutions and biodiversity at ICLEI Europe. She is involved in several pertinent H2020 projects and coordinating NetworkNature, the one-stop-resource and exchange platform for nature-based solutions across science, policy and practice. She was a researcher at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University. Ms. Wilk holds a master in Environmental Governance from Utrecht University and in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Vienna.