Main Organisers

ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 1,750 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 100+ countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability.

The European Environment Agency (EEA) provides sound, independent information on the environment for those involved in developing, adopting, implementing and evaluating environmental policy, and the general public. In close collaboration with the European Environmental Information and Observation Network (Eionet) and its 33 member countries, the EEA gathers data and produces assessments on a wide range of topics related to the environment. The EEA supports urban adaptation through participation in the European Urban Resilience Forum, periodical publication of reports and by continuous development of local-level content on the Climate-ADAPT portal, including the Urban Adaptation Support Tool and Urban Adaptation Map Viewer.

The City of Rotterdam is the proud host of EURESFO25. It is a young, dynamic world city that keeps reinventing itself at speed. Our city is unconventional for the Netherlands, internationally renowned for our passion for innovation and unpolished charm. Whether it is our ever-changing skyline full of bold architecture, our port that is regarded as the smartest in the world or the ‘can do’ mentality of the Rotterdam people in all their diversity: Rotterdam is an entrepreneurial city with a distinct character, constantly evolving and always looking forward. A city of frontrunners with the courage and will to drive change.



The goals and vision of the REGILIENCE project are aligned with the targets of the Green Deal and Horizon Europe Mission “Adaptation to Climate Change”. The project comes at a time when vulnerable regions need support the most, to mitigate the climate change impacts and adapt for the future.

The Regions4Climate project brings together 44 partners from 13 different European countries to demonstrate innovations that enhance societal resilience to the impacts of climate change, in line with the Paris Agreement and the EU Green Deal. Based on cross-sectoral strategies created by and for people, the project partners will collaboratively develop and implement novel social, technological, digital, business, governance, and environmental solutions to reinforce adaptive capacity and minimise vulnerability to climate impacts.


Pathways2Resilience accelerates climate adaptation in Europe. Supporting the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, the Pathways2Resilience programme will empower European regions and communities to co-design locally-led pathways towards a climate-resilient future, providing them with guidance adaptable to local needs.

CARDIMED aims to enhance Climate Resilience in the Mediterranean by mainstreaming Nature-based Solutions in systemic transformation. The project, a part of the EU mission on Adaptation to Climate Change, will demonstrate 47 different types of Nature-based Solutions through 83 interventions across 10 regions and 20 locations. Participating communities will establish the CARDIMED Resilience Alliance, which will function as the vehicle for expanding the network via upscaling the existing sites and adding new ones. The project expects to have 28 regions and 70 communities in the network by 2030, create 8000 jobs in the NBS sector, and mobilize over 450 M€ in climate investment. 

LOCALISED is a four-year H2020-funded research project that aims to bridge the information and practice gap between national decarbonisation plans and local needs for both planning and implementing ambitious mitigation and adaptation action. To achieve this goal, the project is developing tailored regional data on energy and climate impacts – as well as co-designed tools and services for local and regional policy makers, administrations, businesses, and citizens. The tool for cities and regions will enable its end-users to generate optimized measure sets and to discuss and find their right local pathway to net-zero. The LOCALISED project contributes to the European Green Deal's goal of a fair and equitable reduction of net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030 (compared to 1990 levels), leaving no one behind.

Google's Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) empowers thousands of cities and regions with actionable data and insights to reduce global emissions. Using exclusive data sources and modelling capabilities in a freely available platform, EIE helps cities and regions measure emission sources, run analyses, and identify strategies to reduce emissions - creating a foundation for effective action.

MULTICLIMACT is a Horizon Europe project dedicated to enhancing the resilience of Europe's built environment against increasing natural and climatic hazards. By developing a toolkit comprising 18 reliable, easy-to-implement, and cost-efficient design methods, materials, and digital solutions, the project aims to mitigate risks associated with floods, earthquakes, and heatwaves. These solutions are tested across four diverse pilot sites in Italy, Spain, Latvia, and the Netherlands, each representing different geographical locations, hazards, and socio-economic systems. MULTICLIMACT's integrated approach aligns with international and European initiatives on climate-resilient urban planning, placing the built environment and human resilience at the forefront of adaptation measures.

UP2030 aims to support cities in driving the socio-technical transitions required to meet their climate neutrality targets by leveraging urban planning and design. Within the project city stakeholders and local authorities will be supported and guided to put neutrality on the map of their communities in day-to-day actions and strategic decisions.  An innovative methodology (5UP-approach) will be developed and applied through the co-development and implementation of science-based - yet practical - tools, and methods. 

Alternative water resources (AWR) can be a vital part of addressing water scarcity. However, some barriers exist to widespread uptake of AWR. These include: lack of awareness of AWR methods and benefits; gaps in data and tools to bring AWR into integrated management; low cost efficiency compared to conventional water resources; seasonal shifts in water demand and supply; perception of AWR; and governance.  RECREATE works in four Case Studies across Europe, located in 3 of the most water-stressed biogeographical regions of Europe: North Holland (NL); Kalundborg (DK); Syros South Aegean (GR); and Costa Brava (ES). There, RECREATE will demonstrate AWR strategies like rainwater harvesting, seawater and brackish water desalination, water reclamation, and aquifer storage. 

NBS EduWORLD is a Horizon Europe project at the crossroads between nature-based solutions and education, a forerunner project blending the two topics. The result is a unique consortium bringing together researchers, educators, NBS practitioners, and even sports community members with the common goal of creating engaging and locally relevant educational materials centering the environmental, social, and professional merits of NBS. The need for NBS experts and other environmental professionals will only grow as the world faces the social, economic, and environmental consequences of climate change and strives to achieve a climate neutral economy. NBS EduWORLD provides educators with the resources to empower and inspire the decision makers and NBS professionals of tomorrow.

VALORADA is a 3-year project funded by the European Commission under the HORIZON EUROPE programme. It aims to empower European regions and cities to drive societal transformation toward sustainable, climate-resilient development. Aligned with the EU’s Adaptation Mission, VALORADA will help transform 150 European regions by 2030 to:

  • Support regions and communities in becoming climate resilient.
  •  Accelerate societal transformations to climate resilience.
  • Demonstrate systemic transformations by improving access to and usability of climate data for adaptation.

VALORADA will integrate diverse datasets, merging local knowledge with climate and non-climate data through co-developed tools. It will support scaling to 150 regions via dedicated activities in at least 10 European regions and collaboration with Horizon projects. Additional efforts include capacity-building for end users and climate service providers.


The Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy brings together thousands of local governments voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives on their territory. The initiative, supported by the European Commission, now counts 7500+ signatories who pledge to reduce CO2 emissions by at least 40% by 2030 and to adopt an integrated approach to tackling mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Signatories are benefiting from access to guidance and tools as well as from ways to network, exchange experiences and to build capacity through regular events and city twinning activities.

RescueME represents an innovative data-driven, community-based, heritage-centric actionable landscape approach to resilience enhancement can protect our cultural heritage and landscapes while supporting the transition toward a green society and economy that sustains resilient, cohesive, nature-connected communities.

The Coastal Climate Core Service (CoCliCo) project aims to deliver an open-source web platform informing users on present-day & future coastal risks with the goal of improving decision-making on coastal risk management and adaptation, by establishing an integrated core service dedicated to coastal adaptation to sea-level rise. The platform will provide an interconnection between user engagement, information technologies for geospatial data management and risk adaptation to aid practitioners and policy makers on coastal land use planning and the maintenance of coastal infrastructure services.

In cooperation with

The Resilient Cities Network is a city-led organization that is driving urban resilience action to protect vulnerable communities from climate change and other physical, social and economic urban adversities and challenges. With support from The Rockefeller Foundation and other funding strategic partners, the Network aims to continue supporting cities and their Chief Resilience Officers in future-proofing their communities and critical infrastructure with a unique reach, strength and legacy to understand and support the challenges of the ever-growing urban society.

The Nordic Urban Resilience Institute (NURI) is a knowledge hub on urban resilience, which offers a comprehensive experience in the field of resilience and a worldwide network of the area’s most important experts. 

NURI offers different activities such as projects, international conferences, workshops, foresight, and training. Acting as a neutral facilitator for collaboration between academia, public, and private sectors.

MCR2030 is built upon the success of the previous decade of advocacy work under the Making Cities Resilient (MCR) Campaign which was launched in 2010 and concluded at the end of 2020. The MCR Campaign, led by the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) and delivered with partners, achieved considerable success in promoting urban disaster resilience through local government authorities. It advocated the need to reduce risk and develop urban resilience through analysis and action plans, raised cities’ awareness and understanding of systemic issues and their connectedness, and through this process built local capacity and created or strengthened stakeholder partnerships.

Rotterdam Partners is the official Destination Marketing Organization & Investment Promotion Agency of Rotterdam. We take pride in Rotterdam and work together with local partners to build a future-proof economy for the city. As the leading partner organization, we shape and implement Rotterdam's city marketing strategy to attract international businesses, conferences, and visitors who contribute to a resilient economy and the city’s economic transitions. In doing so, we help create an appealing business and investment climate, as well as a livable and vibrant city for all Rotterdammers.