#EURESFO23 Pitch Slam

This year's European Urban Resilience Forum will feature a solution pitch slam to facilitate engagement between cities / regions and solution providers, and improve the knowledge and bankability of local resilience projects.

During the pitch slam, cities and regions will have the opportunity to gather market intelligence on the current and future capabilities of the market and convey the specific resilience-related needs, ambitions and challenges facing their community. These market dialogues can improve the investment-readiness of local projects by informing the development of specific objectives, requirements, and de-risked business models.

Solution providers will be able to showcase their innovative, scalable and adaptable solution and describe the resilience challenge it addresses. Solution providers will be encouraged to share insights on the current capabilities and potential evolution of the market and discuss how the market can meet the specific objectives and needs of cities and regions. Solution providers interested in taking part in the pitch slam are invited to fill out this registration form. Selected solutions will be informed prior to the start of the forum.

This session is part of the Challenging knowledge and innovation: accelerating a resilient and just transformation stream.

Solution Pitchers

City Climate Finance Gap Fund

The City Climate Finance Gap Fund, also known as the Gap Fund, was established in September 2020 to assist cities in developing and emerging countries in achieving their climate goals. It focuses on transforming low-carbon, climate-resilient ideas into actionable strategies and finance-ready projects. The Gap Fund steps in to support cities during the critical EARLY project preparation phase, addressing their challenges in securing technical assistance and posterior financing.

Enso Origins, Lda

FLOW is a software that integrates in an agnostic way sensors an performs analysis to detect less performant water networks, help teams in fire prevention actions and optimization of strong equipment utilization. FLOW contributes to more resilient territories in terms of water use and ecosystem maintenance.

Urban Insight by Sweco

Urban Insight is a global knowledge initiative and collaboration platform that aims to support built environment experts, working in the public and private sector. Experts from all over the world are invited to come together to develop and share insights, data, facts and solutions for how to plan and design the sustainable societies, towns and cities of the future.


The CDP-ICLEI Track is the disclosure platform for cities. Municipal representatives, leaders and officers are invited to complete every year the "Cities Questionnaire" hosted on the platform. Fully TCFD aligned, the Cities Questionnaire is composed of climate mitigation, climate adaptation, nature and further sectoral questions. Cities can report their climate hazards, their most recent climate risks and vulnerability assessment, their climate adaptation plans, goals, measures, and projects. CDP and ICLEI officers provide assistance throughout the reporting process.