WORKSHOP: Building resilience in historic areas – a disaster risk management framework
20 October 14:00 - 16:00
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing our planet today. From droughts to heatwaves, floods and storms, the impacts of climate change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale. While the impacts on cities will vary widely, it is clear that they will face frequent extreme events in future years. This also means that cultural heritage and historic urban areas are at risk from climate change and other natural hazards. So, how do we ensure their protection in an era of climate crisis?
Only by assessing and improving the resilience of historic areas can cities prepare for future disasters and reduce their associated risks. To this end, the EU-funded project ARCH – Advancing Resilience of historic areas against Climate-related and other Hazards has developed a disaster risk management framework sensitive to the situation of historic areas. In this framework, new tools and methodologies help local governments to better understand, plan and develop resilient strategies tailored to their specific needs, including those of historic areas. The framework builds on the Ten Essentials for Making Cities Resilient, the Sendai action plan, and the RAMSES Transition Handbook and is transferable and compatible with existing approaches. However, it goes further by bridging the gap between Disaster Risk Management, Climate Change Adaptation, and Cultural Heritage Management; considering innovative approaches that keep in mind the protection of cultural heritage.
The ARCH project has used a co-creation process to create a suite of new tools like the ARCH Resilience Assessment Dashboard - RAD and the ARCH Resilience Measures Inventory - RMI. These tools have been developed through ongoing engagement with technical partners as well as four foundation cities (Hamburg, Bratislava, Camerino, Valencia) and a growing cohort of cities taking part in the ARCH Mutual Learning Framework.
Project Manager, Fraunhofer IAIS
Daniel is project manager at Fraunhofer IAIS. His main research interests cover climate change adaptation, resilience, and sustainability of urban systems with special focus on co-creation of decision support methods. In 2016 he completed his PhD in Computer Science at University of Cologne, investigating discrete simulation, optimization, and modelling techniques for public transit systems. Currently, he is coordinating the EU H2020 project ARCH, investigating resilience assessment methods for historic areas.
EU-project coordinator, Department of Heritage Preservation, Ministry of Culture and Media
Uta K. Mense, EU-project coordinator, Department of Heritage Preservation, Ministry of Culture and Media
Starting with an apprenticeship as a carpenter and a degree in architecture, Uta worked for several years in the Netherlands as an architect and urban planner until she decided to pursue international postgraduate studies in "World Heritage Studies" at the Technical University in Cottbus, Germany. In the following years, she worked as a researcher at the university in Cottbus, mainly responsible for a Conservation Management Plan for the former military rocket inventory site in Peenemünde/Usedom, Germany, on which she also wrote her doctoral thesis.
Researcher and Project Manager, Fraunhofer IAIS
Katharina Milde, Researcher and Project Manager, Fraunhofer IAIS
Katharina is senior researcher at Fraunhofer IAIS. Her research interests focus on climate change adaptation, sustainability, and resilience of (urban) systems as well as corresponding tool design and system analysis. She holds a master’s degree in Physics from the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg, Germany. At Fraunhofer she is currently work package leader for a national project investigating the resource intensity of digital change and for the EU H2020 project ARCH, investigating resilience assessment methods for historic areas. Katharina also contributes to a European research project that investigates the economic effects of adapting infrastructure to climate change.
Senior Researcher, TECNALIA
Saioa Zorita Castresana, Senior Researcher, TECNALIA
Saioa Zorita, received her PhD in Chemistry in 2008 (Lund University, Sweden). She has been working in Tecnalia since 2010 at the Environment and Energy Division. Her work focused on water related issues and more recently on adaptation strategies. Her work is devoted to advance on methodologies for the identification, assessment and selection of adaptation options, mainly in the urban systems. Since 2018 she is also involved in ISO standardization processes within adaptation to climate change.
Communications Officer, ICLEI European Secretariat
Katherine Peinhardt, Communications Officer, ICLEI European Secretariat
Katherine is a Communications Officer at ICLEI Europe, focusing on projects that center on cultural heritage and urban resilience. She previously held a German Chancellor Fellowship through the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, and conducted research into links between place and resilience. Before that, Katherine worked as a Project Reporter and Communications Associate at Project for Public Spaces (PPS). Prior to joining PPS, Katherine worked at World Resources Institute Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, coordinating digital communications and producing written content to promote a vision of more sustainable urban development. Previously, Katherine pursued her Master of Arts in Columbia University's Climate and Society program, focusing on a combination of atmospheric dynamics, urban sustainability, and environmental policy.
Junior Officer, Urban Resilience and Climate Adaptation, ICLEI Europe
Luca C. Arbau is an architect and a sustainable urban development practitioner. He works as a Junior Officer at ICLEI Europe in the field of urban resilience and adaptation to climate change. Previously, he was Research and Communication Officer at Metropolis (Barcelona). Luca worked in the experimental centre for social housing in Cordoba (Argentina), and in the Recetas Urbanas architecture studio in Seville (Spain). He holds a master degree in architecture from the University of Ferrara (Italy) and a master degree in international cooperation and emergency architecture from UIC (Barcelona).